2 분 소요

Application (Minimum Spanning Tree)

  • Given a Graph, find Subset of Edges so that a Connected Graph results with Minimum Sum of Edge Costs
  • here, Tree means Connected Actyclic Graph

kruskal Algorithm

  • keep adding Edges
    • From smaller weights
    • As long as no Cycle results
    • until N-1 Edges are added

Why is Kruskal Correct?

  • adding smallest edge “that does not make a cycle”
  • if it makes a cycle, then you cannot add the edge
  • if you insist on adding the edge, then you have to remove an edge with smallest Cost -> Does not make sense
  • Not a complete Proof but that’s the idea

Implementation Considerations

  • you have to sort edges by weight?
  • how to represent ad edge (for sorting)?
    • you can just use the triple (a,b,w), where a,b are Nodes and w is the weight of the edge
  • when considering an edge(a,b,w), you have to know if a and b belong to a “connected” group
  • you have to be able to answer the question efficiently
  • Tool of All above this line : DFS -> 덩어리 내 연결 x 덩어리 끼리 연결 o

DFS is slow

  • DFS takes O(n) time
  • the whole kruskal algorithm will take O(mn) time
  • can we do faster?
  • can we answer this question faster?
    • for an edge(a,b,w), does a and b belong to a “connected” group

Union/Find or Disjoint Set

  • N items
  • initially N groups with 1 item each
  • tow operations
    • union(a,b) : a 그룹과 b 그룹을 한 그룹으로 union
    • Find(a) : a 가 속한 그룹의 ID 를 return

The Structure

  • each item is a node
  • initially there are n trees with on node each
  • after some union operations
    • each tree is one group
    • the root of each tree is the id of the group
    • no other restrictions
  • a node stores only the pointer to the parent
  • 즉 child pointer 가 존재하지 않습니다. -> we can try to keep the Trees in “good” form
  • union 하면서 한쪽의 노드들을 다른 그룹의 루트에 모두 붙이면 좋지만, child를 찾을 수 있는 방법이 없습니다.

which should be the Root?

  • by # of nodes
  • by Height
  • both give you O(logN)

path Compression

find 한 노드에서 지나치는 모든 노드들을 root에 붙이는 방법입니다

valiant’s proofs

  • first proof
    • one operation takes O(logN) amortized Time
    • Amortized Time means average time in the worst case
  • second proof
    • one operation takes O(lon*N) amortized Time
    • log*N means N이 1이 될때까지 log를 붙일 수 있는 횟수 -> 굉장히 작은 수
  • Third Proof
    • one operation takes O(alpha(N)) amortized Time
